In recent years interactive media, such as tabletop role-playing games, create-your-own
adventure books, and most notably, video games have grown in popularity across the
world. Most households in the US have at least one device that is capable of playing video
games, whether it’s a PC, gaming console or smart phone. And many young adults are
familiar with games such as Dungeons and Dragons, even if they don’t necessarily play
themselves. With this growing access to interactive forms of media it is important to
understand why this form of media appeals to so many. Many speculate that this may be
due to the claim of many players that they feel like they can identify with the character they
control. If this is the case, it is important to examine the connection between interactivity
and identification and why these interactive forms of media may lead to higher levels of
identification than other non-interactive forms of media.
This analysis is based on a previous study by Klimmy, Hefner and Vorderer (2009) who examined the
topic of identification in media with relation to narrative-driven video games. Their analysis was
based on previous studies by researchers such as Cohen (2006) , among others, regarding
identification in any form of media. Klimmy, Hefner and Vorderer argued that video games, being
interactive, led to a subject identifying more with a character than they would in a non-interactive
media formats, due to the subject being able to interact with the character and environment,
responding to visual cues on behalf of a character and altering the character’s actions according to
the rules of the game. Other researchers, such as Trepte and Reinecke (2010) , also supported the
idea that flexible character attributes, especially during avatar creation, is closely associated with a
subject’s identification with a character. My analysis simplifies some of the assumptions from the
Klimmy, Hefner and Vorderer study and can be applied to any form of interactive media. I propose
that as the level of interactivity increases so does the subject’s identification with the character and
that the levels of interactivity are based on both fixed and flexible attributes that vary with the media
source. Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., & Vorderer, P. (2009). The Video Game Experience As “True”
Identification: A Theory Of Enjoyable Alterations Of Players' Self-Perception. Communication Theory,
351-373. Retrieved October 25, 2014. Cohen, J. (2006). Audience identification with media characters.
In J. Bryant & P. Vorderer (Eds.), Psychology of entertainment (pp. 183–198). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates. Trepte, S. , Reinecke, L. and Behr, K. , 2010-06-21 "Avatar Creation and Video
Game Enjoyment: Effects of Life-Satisfaction, Game Competitiveness, and Identification With the
Avatar" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association,
Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Suntec City, SingaporeOnline.