justice solidarity
- global_justice_perception - actors macro level justice perception of the situation, which they cannot experience directly in the group
- justice_perception - what individuals think about the situation whether it is just or not
- legitimacy - the belief that someone's position and the system incorporating it are right and proper
- norm_stability - the degrees that norms are applied to across the situations with consistency
- over_reward - condition in which actor gets more than expectation
- power - differences in position that advantage certain actors when negotiating for resources
- solidarity - the strength and durability of a person to group and person to person relation
- under_reward - condition in which actor gets less than expectation
- Just distribution of resources is the major task of the group.
- Distribution of the resource in group is controlled by legitimated person(s).
- Members have long term relationship enough to develop global concept of justice.
- Actors in exchange situation are more sensitive to under_rewards than over_rewards.
- Instability of the distributional norm causes unjust_reward to the actor, either under or over reward way
- Under_rewards have more impact than over_rewards on developing members' concept of justice.
- Under_reward experience provokes actors emotion of anger even though overall reward is just.
- Repeated experience of instability norm causes negative global_justice_perception among group members.
- Negative global_justice_perception reduces group oriented attitude of the members.
- Reducing group orientation decreases legitimacy of the leader and group solidarity.